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Maverick The Story Teller

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well life start with strangers..that is the principle of life..each electron.proton.neutron is a stranger to each other but they still exist as an atom...


*PS - All views here are my own and personal views.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

the seatbelt buckle..

Kingfisher flight IT 301 is ready to depart now, all guests are requested to board the flight from gate no 7..the announcement was made...he looked up and saw the passengers queuing up to board the was time to close his laptop and board...the announcement was made again..he finished packing the laptop into the bag and handed over the boarding pass to the airline staff at the boarding gate..

He always preferred the left aisle seat, it somehow gave him room to cross his legs and sit more comfortably..the Kingfisher staff was nice and sweet..he made his way to 20c, kept his laptop bag in the overhead bin and sat down..he hadnt seen one hot girl in the entire 8 rows that he had crossed..."damn.." he thought...he took out the newspaper and glanced through the article on Sachin Tendulkar caught his eye and he started reading it..

"Excuse on 20B"..she said...he looked up..he saw her..her hair was falling over her face after she had kept her bag in the overhead bin..she had a faint smile on her face...

"excuse me..can i go in"..she said again..he smiled and got up..she said "thank u" and made her way in...once she had settled down..she straightened her hair up..buckled herself up..switched off her cellphone..plugged in the earphones and started watching the show that was coming on screen..and he was just looking at her from the corner of his eye and thinking.."wow"..finally..first time ever..."i have a hot girl sitting next to me in flight"..he was overjoyed...

the safety instructions were carried out..the cabin light was dimmed..her face was still shining in the afterglow of the screen infront of her...the flight took off..the lights came on...the airhostesses served water and food..she ate her food..he ate his food..she went back to watching the show on the screen and he went back to watching the show on his screen...and still they didnt talk..or rather even look at each other...although all he wanted to do was just look at her...

2 hours went by..the flight reached its destination..the captain made the announcements..the airhostesses did the customary checks..and they landed safe and sound...the plane reached the parking bay..he unbuckled himself..and switched on his mobile phone and looked at her..her seat belt buckle wasnt wouldnt budge..she tried a few more times..but the buckle didnt open..and then she looked at me and said.."can you please open this?"..the word were like music to his ears..and he smiled..and said "sure"..he moved his hands to hold the buckle of her seat belt..he opened the buckle and applied some pressure to open it..and it opened...she was free..she smiled and said "thank u so much"..he smiled back and said "no problem"...

they both got up, picked up their bags , got off from the flight and went their own ways..........not knowing if they would ever bump into each other again....