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Maverick The Story Teller

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well life start with strangers..that is the principle of life..each electron.proton.neutron is a stranger to each other but they still exist as an atom...


*PS - All views here are my own and personal views.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

back home finally!!

hey r u all???hope u having a great time...well i just got back home today...MBA over...finally done with studies... :D

drove down from Trichy to Chennai yesterday...had an awesome time driving on that 320 km stretch..the last 100 kms is pure bliss with an amazing smooth...... :D...met up with a friend of a senior batch of my institute...had diner with him...and then stayed the nite at the guesthouse of the company for which my dad works... :)...always good hospitality there :D

took the afternoon flight for back home to delhi from good airhostesses this to write on newaz was way to got back home at arnd 3.30 in the afternoon today..wanted to reach home asap n then head to the dad's admitted there...well it came as a suprise to me too..i was told abt it only after my exms got over n wen i was abt to start driving to glad hes ok......he was feeling giddy on friday evening after returning from the family doc got him admitted to the hospital to check for any concerns...but till now all tests ve been positive and he should be coming back home tomorrow...

anyways im off to go to the hospital..will be spending the night there with him...c u guyz later...have fun :)


Anonymous said...

hey wish ur dad a speedy recovery....and wish u all the best for new job

Gunjan Aylawadi said...

hey...hope ur dad gets well soon!
hav a nice time @home!

p_nami said...

You're done with studies! YAY!!!

Best wishes to your dad.

Keshi said...

Mav Im sorry ur dad is not well. I really hope he'll be ok and get back home soon.



Anonymous said...

OK Glad u had a god time on the way back hme.

Sorry to hear abt yur dad.. I m sure he will get back hme soon as the son has arrived :)

God Bless ou and yur family :)

Dalicia said...

congrats on your MBA! wish your dad a speedy recovery

Mez said...

Howz ur he back now? take good care of him and time to change ur profile descp. nowi guess. rite? How does it feel to be bac in gud ol haunt.

freesherry said...

hope your dad gets well soon
take care :)

Mysterious Mia said...

hey how is yur dad doing now, hope he gets well soon am sure he'd be happy to see u back....take care.

AG said...


studies over
congrats :D

hope ur dads goin fine now :)


Gledwood said...

i went to Chennai once... and caught amoebic giardia diarrhoea on the way out!!

maverick said...

thanx...dads fine..n back home now...all good :)

maverick said...

@gunj...yep dads fine..he came back home today... n i sure will ve a good time :)

maverick said...

@dollface..yay..done with them finally :) the big mean corporate world :D

thank u for the wishes :)

maverick said...

@kesh...hes fine now..he came back home today...all tests came out worries :)...

maverick said... hes back home ..n im there too..its good to b at home..n its good to ve him back frm the hospital :)

maverick said...

@dalicia..thank u...n my dads back home...on way to a good recovery :)

maverick said...

@mez..yep..hes back..came back today only from the hospital...and its good to b back in the old haunt :)

maverick said...

@freesherry...yep..hes on the way to recovery :)..thnx :)

maverick said...

@anvita alias the nutella gal... :D
dads back home..n im happy to see him back at home... :)..n im sure he too is happy :)

maverick said...

@jiggs...thnx :)..yep my dads doing fine :)...thnx..

maverick said...

@gledwood..hmm..thts bad..hope ur next trip there is much better :)

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

Maverick, I'm glad you are back home and that your father is okay. Are you enjoying your freedom from studies or have your parents put you to work in the yard?

That's what always happened to me. :D

Hugs, JJ

maverick said...

@jj...yes its good to b back home..well i havent been put to the my job starts on 25th enjoying myself till then

IncorrigibleV said...

glad to know that ur dad's all better now :)

maverick said...

@vandita..thnx..yep hes good :) n doing great now